Stanford Abdominal Surgery Rotation
Summary of Sections
In the outline below, numbered sections refer to “MAJOR” topics, lettered sections refer to “SUB-TOPICS” some of which are included within the major topic, some of which are listed as “separate” files. File formats vary for each section and are listed below.
#1: Appendectomy1-Appendectomy.pptx
Subtopic 1A: Discussion of NPO guidelines1A-NPO and aspiration.docx *Click Here to View Online
#2: CholecystectomyCholecystectomy.pptx
Subtopic 2B: Anesthetic considerations of pneumoperitoneum2B-Pneumoperitoneum.pptx
#3: Nissen fundoplication
Subtopic 3C: Use of invasive monitors: Does CVP really matter? (See #3)3C-Nissen and CVP.ppt
#4: Small bowel resection (Word file)
Subtopic 4D: PONV prophylaxis4D-PONV_VMoll1_2012.pptx
#5: Colectomy/APRColon surgeries vm 071512.pdf
Subtopic 5E: Evidence-based intra-operative fluid resuscitation (separate *.ppt)
#6: Liver resections (Powerpoint)6-Liver_resection.pptx
Subtopic 6F: Use of neuromuscular blockade & reversal agents6F-Neuromuscular Blockade.docx *Click Here to View Online
#7: Whipple resection7-Whipple.pdf
Subtopic 7G: Pain management & epidural use (see #7)7G-Blood-transfusion.pptx
Evidence-based blood transfusion (separate *.ppt)
#8: Gastric Resection and NGT (Powerpoint)8-Gastric Resection.ppt
Subtopic 8H: NGTs (see #8)
#9: Communication and Conflict Resolution in the OR
9-Communication & Conflict Resolution.pptx