Blockade for Abdominal Surgery
Neuromuscular blockade (NMB) is commonly used during surgery
for three purposes: to facilitate intubation, to decrease patient movement, and
to improve operating conditions for the surgeon. Succinylcholine or a non-depolarizing
neuromuscular blocker is used for intubation, and non-depolarizing blockers are
also used for maintenance of paralysis.
Of the non-depolarizing blockers, we most commonly use Rocuronium at
Stanford; however, our carts are also stocked with Vecuronium and Pancuronium. Cisatracurium is the neuromuscular blocker of
choice in patients with hepatic or renal disease because of its
organ-independent elimination by Hoffman degradation, and it is kept in the refrigerator
at the OR pharmacy and in cardiac rooms.
Optimal intubating conditions include complete relaxation of
the vocal cords. This can be achieved
with deep anesthesia in the absence of NMB; however, a higher dose of
anesthetic would be required, which can in turn have adverse effects. Thus, NMBs are used in adults virtually every
time the trachea is intubated. Typical
intubating doses are as follows:
Rocuronium: 0.6 mg/kg, up to
1.2 mg/kg for RSI
Vecuronium: 0.1 mg/kg
Cisatracurium: 0.2 mg/kg, up to
0.6 mg/kg for RSI
NMB is monitored by stimulating peripheral nerves and
observing muscle twitches. Different
muscle groups have different susceptibilities, onset, and offset times. The muscles of the larynx and diaphragm
become paralyzed quickly and are quick to recover, whereas the muscles of the
pharynx have slower onset and offset. Twitch
monitoring at the corrugator supercilii (medial eyebrow) reflects the time
course of paralysis of the larynx and diaphragm, whereas twitch monitoring at
the abductor pollicis better reflects that of the pharyngeal muscles. Therefore, it follows that the corrugator
twitch is a better indicator of intubating conditions than the abductor
pollicis twitch, and vice versa for extubating conditions (as both the muscles
of respiration and the muscles that protect the airway must recover in order to
extubate the trachea successfully).
In addition to facilitating intubation and decreasing the
chance of patient movement during surgery, neuromuscular blockade is often
requested for relaxation of the abdominal musculature. Whether or not NMB actually improves
operating conditions in abdominal surgery is a subject of controversy. There is a paucity
of literature on this subject. A French
study of 50 patients undergoing gynecologic laparoscopy showed that the use or
non-use of atracurium titrated to twitch height < 10% of the control value
did not affect operating conditions as assessed on a 4-point scale at 10-min
intervals throughout the cases. However,
many surgeons believe that relaxation of the abdominal wall musculature is
beneficial, and they may specifically ask for paralysis during the case. In this case, it may be best to fulfill the
surgeon’s request without argument, as a discussion of the risks vs. benefits
of maintaining muscle relaxation is probably not beneficial to the relationship
between the surgical and anesthesia teams.
Conventional practice suggests a keeping the train of four at 1/4
twitches throughout an abdominal case.
This allows for reversal should the case end sooner than expected.
One word of caution: Dr. Gregg is extremely fast with both
open and laparoscopic cases, and many residents have had the unfortunate experience
of giving a dose of Rocuronium only to hear him say “We’re finished” several
minutes later. We suggest avoiding
additional doses of neuromuscular blockers after the intubating dose unless he
specifically asks for them.
Dr. Morton will constantly ask for paralysis despite zero
twitches!! Please contact your attending if you are uncertain about what to do.
Review Questions
Which of the following muscle groups
demonstrates the earliest recovery from neuromuscular blockade following
administration of an anticholinesterase agent?
Adductor pollicis
Flexor hallucis
Answer: B. The diaphragm exhibits the most rapid
recovery from neuromuscular blockade.
Recovery o f upper airway and pharyngeal muscles (e.g., geniohyoid) and
flexor hallucis muscle generally parallels that of the adductor pollicis.
Source: Connelly and Silverman,
Review of Clinical Anesthesia, 4th
ed., 2006.
A 58 year-old woman with a diagnosis of
myasthenia gravis underwent a laparotomy.
Her anesthesia consisted of thiopental, nitrous oxide, fentanyl, and
oxygen, with pancuronium as a muscle relaxant in a total dose of 1 mg. During the procedure, the patient received an
intravenous dose of gentamicin. The
patient remained apneic at the end of the procedure. The cause of the apnea could be ascribed to
all of the following EXCEPT:
Myasthenia gravis
Answer: A. In the case cited, any of the options except
thiopental may be involved in the apnea.
Thiopental, in usual doses, should not cause apnea after a procedure as
long as a laparotomy. Any of the other
options or a combination of the options can be the cause. Aminoglycosides are associated with
decreased muscle function or potentiation of muscle relaxants in a dose-related
fashion. This is probably due to a
prejunctional inhibition of acetylcholine release.
Source: Appleton & Lange, The MGH Board Review of Anesthesiology,
5th ed., 1999.
Chassard D et al.
[Gynecologic laparoscopy with or without curare]. Article in French. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 1996;15(7):1013-7.
Hemmerling TM and Donati F.
Neuromuscular blockade at the larynx, the diaphragm, and the corrugator supercilii
muscle: a review. Can J Anesth