Ether Resources for Anesthesia Research and Education

Resident Sick Call Policy and Academic Hours

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If a resident needs to call in sick, they should page/call the on-call chief resident, the scheduler of the rotation they are on, and their attending in order to assist in coverage.


Weekdays- If a GOR call number calls in sick, all call numbers will move up by one position and there will be no 5th call that day. If the MSD 1 resident is sick, MSD 2 call will stay in-house and continue to be DAC the following day.

- If 1st call is sick, 2nd call will move up and then additional residents can be called in per the Resident Call Back Policy (ie. liver, etc.)


*To cover Liver, residents must be on or have completed the Cardiac rotation

If the liver resident is sick or there are two livers, the MSD scheduler and Chief Residents will identify a second resident to cover the liver transplant on weekdays.

On weekends, the Liver Back up call resident is available Saturday 7am to Monday 7am.

  • This resident should ONLY be called in by the on-call Liver Transplant Attending if they anticipate two simultaneous liver transplants, or consecutive liver transplants which would cause the Liver Rotation resident to work over 24 consecutive hours.
  • This resident is NOT in the backup resident call pool, and SHOULD NOT be called in from home to help with other services (MSD, Peds, OB, Cardiac, etc).
  • The back up resident should be readily available but anticipate generally within 1-2 hours.
  • Any resident who has done Cardiac is eligible for backup liver call (does not have to have done full liver rotation previously).

Peds and Cardiac and OB:

If 1st call is sick, second call will fill in and be DAC the following day. The sick resident will be expected to take over the covering resident’s next day schedule. Each subspecialty is expected to cover for their own rotation. The chief residents will work with rotation directors to determine coverage if there is an extended absence or other emergency.

Valley / VA:

If a resident is sick, they should contact their respective site chief for the month (VA Chief, Valley Chief). Sites are expected to cover their own calls, except for extenuating circumstances or prolonged absences (>1week).


Academic hours are accrued in 15 minute increments and used for days off (10 academic hours = 1 day off). They are only earned in the Stanford OR (e.g. MSD, ortho, trauma, urology, neuro, etc.) beyond certain times given call number. Similarly, they can only be used on MSD rotations. Academic days requests must be placed at the time of the block schedule requests (i.e. through Amion requests!). Their utilization is approved by the chief residents (and Dr. Lemmens during blocks 12-13 and in times of especially low staffing). No academic days may be used during the last week of the year.

Academic hours start after the following times:

MSD non-call: 6 PM
MSD 4 & 5 call: 8 PM
MSD relief: 1 AM
MSD 3 call: Midnight
MSD 1, 2 call, and relief shift: not eligible for academic hours.


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