Stanford Libero Lectures - Clinical Subspecialties
D. Clinical Subspecialties
D. Clinical Subspecialties
1. Painful Disease States
Title: Facet syndrome |
Title: Neuraxial Anesth - Cardiovascular Effects |
Title: Naltrexone: It 'Cures What Ails You' |
Title: Opioid Tolerance: Signs |
Title: Paramedian Lumbar Epidural Technique |
Title: Fibromyalgia Tender Points |
Title: Side Effects of Neuraxial Opioids |
Title: Side Effects Of Neuraxial Opioids - Questions |
Title: Celiac Plexus Blockade |
Title: Pain Management |
Title: Methadone: Treatment Management and Side Effects |
Title: Rib Fractures and Pain Control |
Title: Phantom Limb Pain Treatment |
Title: Neuropathic Pain - Treatment |
Title: Trigeminal Neuralgia |
Title: Acetaminophen |
Title: ABA MC Questions - Pain Medicine |
Title: Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) - Diagnosis |
Title: ITE Keyword Presentation |
Title: 2013 ITE Keyword Phrases: "Chronic Opioids: Side Effects" |
Title: Pain Transmission--Libero |
Title: Fentanyl Patches - Kinetics and Indications |
2. Pediatric Anesthesia
Title: Pediatric ETT Size |
Title: Succinylcholine and Neuromuscular Diseases |
Title: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Symptoms |
Title: NPO Recommendation for Infants |
Title: Emergence Delirium in CHildren |
Title: Gastroschisis versus Omphalocele |
Title: Neonatal Resuscitation: Meconium (and APGAR Scores) |
Title: LIBERO: APGAR Score |
Title: Fever |
Title: Communication with Patients and Parents at Night |
Title: Acutely Depressed Mental Status in Children |
Title: Pain Management |
Title: Respiratory Distress |
Title: Seizures: Nuts and Bolts |
Title: Pediatric Shock |
Title: Triage on the Wards |
Title: Myotonic Dystrophy |
Title: ABA Pediatric Questions: They are just little adults right? |
Title: Fontan Single Ventricle Physiology |
Title: Neonatal Respiratory Physiology |
Title: Anterior Mediastinal Mass: Effects and Flow/Volume Loops |
Title: Preoperative Anxiolysis in Children |
Title: Tetralogy of Fallot |
Title: Aspirated Foreign Bodies |
Title: Esophageal Foreign Bodies |
Title: Epiglottitis |
Title: Uptake and distribution - Infant vs. Adult (ABA Keyword) |
3. Obstetric Anesthesia
Title: Hypotension and Bradycardia after Spinal Anesthesia |
Title: Bradycardia during spinal anesthesia |
Title: Neuraxial Anesth - Cardiovascular Effects |
Title: Breastfeeding after Anesthesia |
Title: Surgery Risk During Pregnancy |
Title: Preterm Labor - Treatment |
Title: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation - Diagnosis |
Title: Neuraxial Ultrasound |
Title: Neonatal Resuscitation: Meconium (and APGAR Scores) |
Title: LIBERO: APGAR Score |
Title: Post-Dural Puncture Headache: Risks |
Title: The Role of the Anesthetist in the Management of Preeclampsia |
Title: Paramedian Lumbar Epidural Technique |
Title: Spinal Anesthesia |
Title: Side Effects of Neuraxial Opioids |
Title: Side Effects Of Neuraxial Opioids - Questions |
Title: Test Dosing An Epidural Catheter |
Title: Test Dosing An Epidural Catheter |
Title: Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring |
Title: Fetal Heart Rate Patterns: Normal Labor |
Title: Fetal Heart Rate and Maternal Hypotension |
Title: Magnesium Toxicity: Signs |
Title: Magnesium toxicity: Signs |
Title: ABG's in Pregnancy |
Title: ABG's in Pregnancy |
Title: ABG & Pregnancy |
Title: Non-Obstetric Surgery in the Pregnant Patient |
Title: Uterine Relaxation Techniques |
Title: Uterine Relaxation and Nitroglycerin |
Title: Use of Point-of-Care Coagulation Testing: Blood Management in Obstetrics |
Title: O2 Delivery to Fetus in Labor |
Title: Analgesia* Techniques: 1st Stage of Labor, Pain Pathways, & Common Treatment Options |
Title: Caesarean Section & Maternal Morbidity |
Title: Asthma & Uterine Atony |
Title: Placental Transfer |
Title: Pregnancy - Hematologic Changes |
Title: Oxytocic Agents |
Title: Functional Residual Capacity and Closing Capacity in Pregnancy |
Title: Mendelson's Syndrome |
Title: PDPH Risk (in pregnancy) |
4. Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) Anesthesia: Airway Endoscopy, Microlaryngeal Surgery, Laser Surgery, Hazards, Complications (Airway Fires, etc.) Laser-Safe Endotracheal Tubes, Maxillofacial Trauma
Title: Airway Fire Management |
5. Anesthesia for Plastic Surgery
Title: Tumescent Anesthesia |
Title: Complications from Tumescent Anesthesia |
6. Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Surgery, Cholecystectomy, Gynecologic Surgery, Gastric Stapling, Hiatus Hernia Repair, Robotic Surgery, Anesthetic Management, Complications
Title: Keyword: Laparoscopy: Physiologic Changes | |
Title: Cardiovascular Changes in Laparoscopic Surgery |
Title: Laparoscopy |
7. Ophthalmologic Anesthesia, Retrobulbar and Peribulbar Blocks, Open Eye Injuries, Intraocular Pressure
Title: Retrobulbar vs. Peribulbar Blocks |
Title: Anesthetics and IOP |
Title: ASA Physical Status |
Title: Anesthetic Management: Penetrating Eye Injury |
8. Orthopedic Anesthesia
Total Knee Replacement Neuroaxial Anesthesia Techniques - Pedro Tanaka
Title: Total Knee Replacement |
9. Trauma Anesthesia
Title: Burns |
Title: Traumatic Brain Injury |
10. Anesthesia for Ambulatory Surgery
11. Geriatric Anesthesia/Aging
Title: Geriatric Anesthesia: Normal Physiology vs. Pathophysiology? |
Title: Opioids and the Elderly |
12. Critical Care
Title: Ventilator Acquire Pneumonia: Prevention |
Title: Central Venous Catheters: CDC Guidelines |
Title: Needle Stick: Postexposure Prophylaxis |
Title: Metabolic Effects of Septic Shock |
Title: ABA Keyword: Drowning |
Title: ICU and Enteral Nutrition |
Title: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning |
Title: ARDS |
Title: PACU Adventures: When the road leads from PACU to ICU |